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Terrorism Insurance

Our Terrorism Insurance covers a broad range of acts including acts committed for political, religious and ideological purposes across the North America with limits up to $250m. Once a loss meets the definition of coverage, it will be covered excess of any policy deductible(s). You can choose whether to insure your entire portfolio of properties or just selected locations.

TRIPRA versus Stand Alone Terrorism Policies

The Terrorism Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA) was enacted in November 2002 with the US Government providing reinsurance protection for certified acts of terrorism. This was extended by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TRIPRA) to until the end of 2020. Whilst coverage is a simple reflection of that provided by the all risks policy it has been untested and the gaps in coverage make a stand alone terrorism policy a worthwhile economical alternative.

Key Contacts

Craig Hubble

Senior Underwriter
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Elizabeth Lester


Catherine Ireland

Assistant Underwriter

Terrorism Insurance Factsheet

Target Market

All Commercial Property

Limits & Deductibles

USD250,000,000 any one occurrence
Nil Deductible

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