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All Risks Primary

All Risks Primary Insurance

Binding authority for All Risks of Physical Loss or Damage. Minimal underwriting limitations and restrictions provides the opportunity to offer broad coverage.  Underwriters can amend coverage to suit requirements. Limits up to $50m any one risk.  Typically suited, but not limited, to risks with Total Values under $100m.

Key Contacts

Craig Hubble

Senior Underwriter
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Elizabeth Lester


Catherine Ireland

Assistant Underwriter

All Risks Primary Insurance Factsheet

Target Market

• All commercial property

Limits & Deductibles

• $50,000,000 any one occurrence; except $25,000,000 any one occurrence in respect of critical catastrophe locations
• $5,000 any one occurrence in respect of all perils

Excluded Classes

• Woodworkers; recycling plants; tire warehousing; Inflatable Sports Domes

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