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Excess Flood

Excess Flood Insurance

  • Replacement Cost Valuation for Buildings and Contents
  • No Elevation Certificate required
  • Ability to schedule properties located within the same state
  • Additional living expense and business income coverage available
  • No co-insurance penalty

Key Contacts

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Craig Hubble

Senior Underwriter

New Excess Flood Insurance Factsheet

Target Market

High valued residential and commercial properties
Negative elevations
V-zone properties
Coastal properties

Limits & Deductibles

USD 20,000,000 in respect of Building Coverage
USD 2,000,000 in respect of Contents Coverage
USD 100,000 in respect of BI / ALE automatic eligibility (if buildings is eligible)

USD 20,000,000 in respect of combined Building, Contents and ALE coverage per building

NFIP maximum limits or self-insured retained limits

Excluded Classes

Orleans / Jefferson, Sacramento

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