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Commercial Primary Flood

Commercial Primary Flood Insurance

Our Flood market provides an alternative to NFIP coverage and/or an excess placement to “top-up” limits provided by NFIP. Coverage placed with Lloyds & London Companies allows for flexible approach to risk consideration on a lender approved policy wording.

  • Replacement Cost Valuation for Buildings and Contents
  • No Elevation Certificate required
  • Ability to schedule properties located within the same state
  • Business Income coverage available
  • No co-insurance penalty
  • No Reserve Fund Assessment
  • No HFIAA Surcharge

Key Contacts

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Craig Hubble

Senior Underwriter

Commercial Primary Flood Insurance Factsheet

Target Market

Hotel / Motels

Limits & Deductibles

USD10,000,000 in respect of Building Coverage
USD 1,000,000 in respect of Contents Coverage
USD 100,000 in respect of BI automatic eligibility (if building is eligible)
USD10,000,000 in respect of combined Building, Contents and BI coverage per building

Excluded Classes

Orleans / Jefferson, Sacramento, Tidal surge exposed properties, Barrier islands

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